51.   But U.S. officials also said Washington is expected to loosen official ties with Peru.

52.   Developing countries themselves, having benefited over the past two decades from billions of dollars in EU grants and preferential trade arrangements, are reluctant to loosen the ties.

53.   He has been under intense political pressure to slow down economic and political reform and loosen his ties to Washington.

54.   He promised to loosen the ties to the federal government.

55.   His white shirt sleeves are rolled up and his tie is loosened around an open collar.

56.   King told him to loosen the tie and demanded to know who she had told, Larson said.

57.   Parties and weddings are more a chance to eat, drink and sing karaoke rather than loosen your tie and strut your stuff.

58.   True to his roll-up-the sleeves manner, Allbaugh already had loosened his tie when his plane arrived Wednesday night in Seattle.

v. + tie >>共 591
have 21.09%
improve 5.92%
strengthen 5.67%
sever 5.13%
maintain 4.42%
break 3.74%
establish 3.40%
cut 3.37%
forge 2.45%
boost 1.75%
loosen 0.64%
loosen + n. >>共 290
restriction 10.16%
grip 7.86%
control 6.45%
rule 5.48%
tie 5.12%
regulation 3.62%
policy 3.27%
rein 2.03%
soil 1.77%
hold 1.68%
每页显示:    共 58