51.   Court intake clerks must reject any document that does not meet legal requirements.

52.   Despite the legal requirement that he be appointed a lawyer soon after his arrest, Waters spent a month waiting in jail for legal advice.

53.   Environmentalists contend the failure to list the species is part of a continuing effort by the Clinton administration to avoid the legal requirements of the Endangered Species Act.

54.   Federal rail safety laws say states cannot impose their own legal requirements if a railroad follows U.S. Transportation Department regulations, the company said.

55.   Freeland and the other volunteers also monitor the number of parking spaces provided by businesses for the handicapped and determine whether those businesses meet legal requirements on accessibility.

56.   Harris County, he said, seeks death in all cases that meet the legal requirements.

57.   He said he also had a legal requirement to tell the court that there was no viable nonprofit option before selling Harvard Pilgrim to a stock-based company.

58.   He said he would change the legal requirements for proving wrongdoing by a health maintenance organization.

59.   Hevesi charged that the city failed to meet legal requirements in the contracting process by negotiating the contracts instead of putting them out for competitive bidding.

60.   However, I do not believe that the House managers met the legal requirements of proving perjury beyond a reasonable doubt.

a. + requirement >>共 700
new 6.74%
legal 5.02%
reporting 4.05%
minimum 3.52%
federal 2.98%
stringent 1.80%
such 1.74%
licensing 1.72%
strict 1.69%
specific 1.64%
legal + n. >>共 668
action 7.26%
expert 5.04%
system 3.16%
battle 3.06%
challenge 2.90%
immigrant 2.07%
right 1.71%
proceeding 1.64%
issue 1.42%
fee 1.27%
requirement 0.59%
每页显示:    共 186