51.   Palestinian leaders on Tuesday rejected Israeli proposals to hold elections for their self-rule government without a Israeli troop withdrawal from West Bank towns.

52.   Rebel leader rejects suggestion of non-African troops.

53.   A Palestinian leader rejected the statement and demanded an apology.

54.   Abdel-Alim and other group leaders in prison issued the call for a cease-fire in July, but militant leaders abroad rejected the initiative.

55.   A Zairian rebel leader Friday rejected calls for an international force to help Rwandan refugees, saying most of them had returned home.

56.   Al Qaeda leaders rejected the proposal but ruled in a series of religious decrees that killing civilians eventually would be necessary, Al-Fadl said.

57.   Alliance leaders have rejected the notion that the alliance could become a political or military bloc.

58.   An association of Bosnian Croat truck drivers from this southwestern city on Saturday called for internationally-recognized car documents and license plates their leaders had rejected.

59.   And SDLP leaders firmly rejected suggestions they should go elsewhere to meet unionist leaders.

60.   ASEAN leaders also rejected human rights concerns on the issue of East Timor, a former Portuguese colony where Indonesia is fighting to crush an independence movement.

n. + reject >>共 753
government 9.48%
court 8.19%
official 6.00%
voter 4.24%
judge 4.04%
leader 3.29%
rebel 1.52%
parliament 1.48%
authority 1.44%
committee 1.40%
leader + v. >>共 705
say 12.25%
be 9.33%
meet 2.85%
agree 2.30%
have 2.15%
call 1.93%
discuss 1.27%
make 1.19%
urge 1.13%
want 1.11%
reject 0.57%
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