51.   Wooten drove the car to Los Angeles after the murder, dismantling the gun that was used and discarding its parts along the way, the lawsuit contends.

52.   A lawsuit contends Indiana University violated state law last month when trustees discussed the firing of basketball coach Bob Knight without advance public notice.

53.   A Nicaraguan garment factory that supplies discounted clothing to American soldiers imposes sweatshop conditions and starvation wages on its workers, a lawsuit filed Tuesday contends.

54.   A lawsuit contends Pickens died while his designated supervisor was playing a video game.

55.   Florida election officials said Friday the ballot did not violate state law, as several lawsuits contend.

56.   Male guards watched girls take showers and conducted strip-searches, the lawsuit contends.

57.   One lawsuit contends police had a chance to shoot one of the teen-age gunmen during the rampage at Columbine High School.

58.   The ACLU lawsuit contended that the city-owned display on city property violated the constitutionally required separation of government and religion.

59.   The car dealer then could offer the customer the quoted finance rate or a higher rate, the lawsuits contend.

60.   The lawsuit contends that many of the records contain confidential information, such as employee names and campaign plans.

n. + contend >>共 627
critic 8.29%
official 6.96%
prosecutor 5.29%
government 4.73%
lawyer 2.89%
group 2.73%
company 2.47%
defense 2.42%
suit 2.27%
opponent 2.09%
lawsuit 1.64%
lawsuit + v. >>共 326
be 18.35%
say 8.09%
seek 6.51%
allege 6.18%
claim 3.90%
pend 3.57%
accuse 3.09%
contend 2.72%
have 2.35%
name 2.32%
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