51.   Prices fell after Brazilian lawmakers voted to end a tax on exports, which could release larger supplies into the world market, traders said.

52.   Rather, the idea was to make it possible for lawmakers to vote against strong gun controls in one bill and for juvenile-crime measures in another bill.

53.   Republicans acknowledge that achieving the goal will require many lawmakers to vote against politically popular programs.

54.   Republicans also take issue with AFL-CIO spots that suggest Republican lawmakers voted themselves a raise -- and then opposed an increase in the federal minimum wage for the poor.

55.   Regardless of how lawmakers vote, China will enter the WTO.

56.   Russian lawmakers voted Wednesday to invite Alexander Solzhenitsyn to address the lower house of Parliament when he ends a cross-country journey and returns to Moscow.

57.   Senate rules require all impeachment deliberations to be held privately, but lawmakers can vote to waive the requirement.

58.   She said the main objective of the march is to urge women to find out how their lawmakers are voting on gun control legislation.

59.   Spokesmen for Danner and Skelton said Thursday they were uncertain if the lawmakers would vote to override the veto.

60.   Some African American lawmakers voted no in protest of the exclusion of the Racial Justice Act and the extension of the death penalty to more federal crimes.

n. + vote >>共 621
parliament 6.32%
member 5.84%
people 5.51%
board 3.75%
lawmaker 3.74%
committee 3.23%
shareholder 2.88%
majority 2.22%
senator 1.85%
deputy 1.73%
lawmaker + v. >>共 977
say 10.39%
be 7.62%
have 2.60%
want 2.11%
vote 1.97%
approve 1.94%
call 1.47%
consider 1.46%
pass 1.27%
agree 1.10%
每页显示:    共 191