51.   For whatever reason, lawmakers have a remarkable head of steam built toward actually making taxes a bit fairer.

52.   Former lawmakers have another advantage.

53.   Gov. George Bush, a Republican, said on Thursday that he agreed that state lawmakers should have the authority over the proceeds.

54.   Hastert, who had intervened with GOP renegades to ensure passage of the bill, conceded lawmakers have a lot of negotiating to do.

55.   He came out with the idea months before lawmakers had to vote on it, giving opposition groups plenty of time to politic lawmakers.

56.   House lawmakers have another chance to attack the provision on Tuesday, when they resume the debate.

57.   However, lawmakers are having trouble agreeing on the issue, and some Republican leaders have predicted that Congress may only approve a limited measure that increases tobacco taxes.

58.   However, lawmakers have had hard time finding the substantial revenue needed to pay for such a tax cut.

59.   House lawmakers themselves have yet to resolve many issues concerning HMOs.

60.   House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Irving, said lawmakers have little choice now that U.S. forces are in the air against Yugoslavia.

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