51.   Pakistan complains to the Security Council that the United States violated its airspace by launching cruise missile strikes in neighboring Afghanistan.

52.   Pakistan formally complained to the Security Council that the United States violated its airspace when it launched cruise missile strikes on suspected terrorist camps in neighboring Afghanistan.

53.   Pakistan has strongly denied that its forces are involved, and has accused India of launching strikes inside Pakistani territory.

54.   Perry and Shalikashvili came to the London meetings with a plan to launch massive strikes against Bosnian Serb air defenses and to broaden the campaign to other targets.

55.   President Megawati Sukarnoputri on Tuesday condemned threats by some Muslim militants that they would attack U.S. citizens if Washington launches military strikes against Afghanistan.

56.   A retaliatory strike was launched, but there was no information on rebel casualties, the report said.

57.   Akilov voiced concern about a potential flood of refugees into impoverished Tajikistan if the United States launches strikes on neighboring Afghanistan.

58.   As jobless rates climbed, however, labor unions accused the government and businesses of trying too little to limit layoffs, and have threatened to launch nationwide strikes.

59.   Arafat said the attacks provide a pretext for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to launch military strikes against the Palestinians.

60.   As the tension mounted and it appeared the Soviets would capitulate, Castro argued that a nuclear strike should be launched if the United States attacked Cuba.

v. + strike >>共 432
end 7.20%
call 7.16%
throw 5.29%
join 4.14%
launch 4.10%
stage 3.23%
threaten 3.17%
continue 2.46%
avert 2.38%
settle 2.26%
launch + n. >>共 470
attack 12.43%
investigation 7.89%
campaign 6.22%
offensive 4.03%
satellite 2.49%
operation 2.25%
inquiry 2.05%
search 2.00%
series 1.80%
crackdown 1.78%
strike 1.75%
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