51.   UAM has launched a series of initiatives to improve marketing and create more incentives for all of its companies to bring in new business.

52.   While many new contracts fail, the Finex contract faced competition from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which also launched a series of Brady bond futures.

53.   Wiley is launching a series of short nonfiction books with the umbrella title of Turning Points, in which noted authors write about, well, turning points.

54.   With DreamWorks launching a series of movies and other projects in the next year, it is time the studio could have ill-afforded.

55.   With DreamWorks launching a series of movies and other projects over the next year, it is time the studio could have ill afforded.

56.   Pakistan launched a series of missile tests Saturday, as world leaders scramble to avert potential war between the nuclear-armed neighbors.

57.   Parizeau launched a series of hearings on Quebec sovereignty this week.

58.   Prosecutors said Kayishema then launched a series of brutal attacks against Tutsi men, women and children, killing thousands at four sites.

59.   After the subway attack, police launched a series of massive raids on cult facilities.

60.   Also Sunday, postal workers announced they would launch a series of warning strikes beginning on Tuesday.

v. + series >>共 848
follow 5.91%
win 3.95%
make 3.24%
hold 2.93%
begin 2.78%
have 2.58%
launch 2.52%
announce 1.93%
suffer 1.65%
plan 1.59%
launch + n. >>共 470
attack 12.43%
investigation 7.89%
campaign 6.22%
offensive 4.03%
satellite 2.49%
operation 2.25%
inquiry 2.05%
search 2.00%
series 1.80%
crackdown 1.78%
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