51.   The leader of the coup, Gen. Andres Rodriguez, went on to win a landslide victory in democratic elections.

52.   The leader of the coup, General Andres Rodriguez, went on to win a landslide victory in democratic elections.

53.   The leader of the coup, General Andres Rodriguez went on to win a landslide victory in democratic elections.

54.   The telegenic attorney-general with a flair for political creativity scored a landslide victory over the lieutenant-governor, Dennis Wicker.

55.   Then in November he won a seat on the Thousand Oaks City Council in a landslide victory.

56.   This opened the door for Carlos Menem to lead his Peronists to landslide victory.

57.   Though Blair won a landslide victory in the June election, voter participation was off.

58.   Two years later he won the governorship of Alabama in a landslide victory.

59.   When Sharif won a landslide election victory earlier this year, the corruption inquiry appeared, again, to fizzle.

60.   Without a Clinton landslide victory over Dole, however, most strategists say the Democrats are unlikely to pick up enough seats in either chamber to regain control.

n. + victory >>共 497
election 9.92%
landslide 6.81%
opposition 5.98%
career 4.57%
season 4.21%
tournament 3.13%
playoff 3.00%
road 2.65%
comeback 2.30%
stage 2.12%
landslide + n. >>共 39
victory 66.50%
win 4.93%
election 4.68%
vote 3.69%
re-election 2.96%
defeat 2.71%
winner 1.97%
loss 1.72%
majority 1.23%
zone 0.74%
每页显示:    共 268