51.   Much of its support comes from the elderly, who lament the loss of the Soviet social safety net and have seen inflation turn their pensions into pocket change.

52.   Nearby, coffee planter Manuel Torres also lamented his loss.

53.   Officials in South Florida lamented the loss of the awards show.

54.   President Fernando Henrique Cardoso lamented the loss of life and voiced his continued support for the embattled oil company.

55.   Smith is no beer-sodden poet lamenting the loss of the last decent pint.

56.   Some hotel and shop owners lamented the loss of income.

57.   The last of seven funerals held for the victims in a Texas church shooting were conducted Monday, with mourners lamenting the loss of three innocent children.

58.   While some Beijingers appreciate the chance to move into more modern homes equipped with running water and heat, others lament the loss of their traditional sense of community.

v. + loss >>共 682
suffer 8.96%
take 3.57%
offset 3.48%
cause 3.23%
report 3.05%
post 2.58%
cover 2.54%
face 2.08%
pare 2.07%
cut 2.00%
lament 0.59%
lament + n. >>共 216
lack 12.14%
loss 11.01%
fact 6.07%
absence 2.09%
death 1.90%
decline 1.90%
state 1.90%
passing 1.71%
failure 1.71%
change 1.52%
每页显示:    共 58