51.   It took place in the absence of any international observers and journalists reported numerous instances of cheating, chiefly involving electors casting multiple votes.

52.   A Central African radio journalist reported that the mutineers had tried to approach the radio building once again, but were driven off by the presidential guard.

53.   Although local journalists had been reporting on the mounting tension, they were subject to state pressure, Noge said.

54.   Amnesty said that journalists reporting the violations were arrested, newspapers were closed and known human rights militants were harassed.

55.   As western journalists reported Tuesday how Chechen fighters repulsed an attack by the Russian army, the Russian information service chose to claim instead that they were massacring Ukrainians.

56.   Bosnian army soldiers also fired heavy weapons on the Serb district of Grbavica, where journalists reported hearing several explosions Saturday.

57.   But visiting journalists have reported recent setbacks for Dostam, saying Taliban forces have pushed Dostam back to Bala Morghab gaining a large swathe of territory.

58.   During the voting, journalists reported that some polling stations in the capital were almost deserted.

59.   The South African mercenary group, Executive Outcomes, is working with the army to secure roads in the area, one journalist reported.

60.   Thousands of secondary school teachers in Burundi began a week-long strike Monday to protest unfulfilled promises to improve pay and working conditions, an AFP journalist reported.

n. + report >>共 510
newspaper 16.66%
radio 6.86%
medium 6.03%
official 4.48%
company 4.29%
television 3.89%
police 3.13%
government 2.18%
witness 1.94%
station 1.71%
journalist 0.29%
journalist + v. >>共 679
be 13.42%
say 8.80%
have 2.94%
see 2.83%
report 1.90%
ask 1.54%
go 1.24%
tell 1.13%
take 0.99%
visit 0.99%
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