51.   It wants to create an Islamic state in Egypt.

52.   Its death as a nation is still the sworn business of radical Islamic states like Iraq and Iran and of Muslim revolutionaries fighting for control in Algeria and elsewhere.

53.   Jakarta recently allowed the province to adopt elements of Islamic law, and there is spirited debate here about whether an independent Aceh should be an Islamic state.

54.   Its avowed aim is to resist all peace accords with Israel, destroy Israel, and install an Islamic state.

55.   Its main goal is an independent Islamic state.

56.   Its separatists want to establish an Islamic state.

57.   Maskhadov has his differences with local faction leaders, who have resisted his efforts to establish order and who have pushed for the establishment of a radical Islamic state.

58.   Now he is writing an article reiterating his view that a moderate Islamic state like Uzbekistan can find its democratic salvation in Western ideals.

59.   Now it is grappling to balance its revolutionary Islamic state with a modern civil society.

60.   Not only does he want Kashmir to become a part of Pakistan, but he also wants Pakistan to become a part of a global Islamic state.

a. + state >>共 655
jewish 5.46%
palestinian 5.02%
southern 3.87%
arab 3.21%
independent 3.20%
home 2.70%
western 2.29%
islamic 2.19%
northern 2.15%
future 1.60%
islamic + n. >>共 391
militant 15.38%
group 11.30%
law 6.04%
state 3.47%
extremist 3.15%
fundamentalist 2.97%
country 2.19%
movement 2.13%
militia 1.99%
rule 1.68%
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