51.   Predominantly Muslim before the war, it is now run by Serbs under international supervision.

52.   Sassou-Nguesso told French radio Thursday he also wanted the elections to go ahead but under international supervision.

53.   The contested city is currently under international supervision because noone has been able to agree on who should control it.

54.   The peace agreement calls for international supervision of elections in six to nine months.

55.   The man overseeing international supervision of the elections, U.S. diplomat Robert Frowick, threatened Monday to overturn results that go against reintegration of the city.

56.   The MDC is demanding a new election held under international supervision within a year.

57.   The president said democratic elections under international supervision were the best way to bring peace to Bosnia.

58.   The State Department has said the transfer did not violate a pledge Beijing made earlier this year to sell nuclear technology only to facilities subject to international supervision.

59.   The status of the town, which had been run by the Serbs under international supervision, remained unresolved largely because of its strategic importance.

60.   The Serb decision to suspend cooperation underscored the ethnic divisions that Dayton and years of international supervision were supposed to overcome.

a. + supervision >>共 211
international 9.64%
medical 6.66%
close 6.06%
strict 5.12%
adult 4.61%
parental 3.50%
direct 3.16%
federal 2.99%
state 2.30%
proper 2.13%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
supervision 0.17%
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