51.   He called for immediate implementation of the U.S.-brokered Wye River interim peace accord, which the Netanyahu government froze last year.

52.   He has also made clear that he wants an interim peace agreement to be implemented over an extended period of time and not a sweeping final status deal.

53.   He was also deeply involved in contacts with Israel that led to interim peace accords.

54.   Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran, opposes the interim peace accords signed between the Palestinians and Israel.

55.   Hezbollah opposes the interim peace accords signed between the Palestinians and Israel and backs the Palestinian uprising.

56.   Hezbollah, like its master Iran, opposes the interim peace accords signed between the Palestinians and Israel and strongly supports the Palestinian uprising against Israel.

57.   In the past, militant groups have carried out suicide attacks and drive-by shootings in an attempt to derail the implementation of interim peace accords.

58.   Interim peace accords include the possibility of extradition of Palestinian suspects if they are not put on trial in Palestinian courts.

59.   Interim peace accords call for prisoner releases, but Israel says it has already fulfilled its obligations to free prisoners under those accords.

60.   Israel has complained often that the Palestinians are violating interim peace accords that call for an end to incitement against Israel.

a. + peace >>共 587
international 5.25%
nato-led 4.56%
lasting 3.79%
final 3.58%
bosnian 3.53%
new 3.40%
permanent 3.06%
arab-israeli 2.84%
stalled 2.81%
fragile 1.95%
interim 1.16%
interim + n. >>共 423
government 21.05%
administration 5.76%
president 5.60%
coach 5.60%
leader 5.44%
agreement 3.17%
basis 2.97%
period 2.72%
report 2.70%
peace 2.63%
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