51.   After Dyson served in Vietnam as an Army intelligence officer, he returned to New York and within several years was a member of the Carey administration.

52.   After the United States entered World War II, he joined the Navy as an intelligence officer and served in the South Pacific for nearly four years.

53.   After initial questioning by MPs, detainees may be pulled aside for closer interrogation by intelligence officers.

54.   After three years as an Air Force intelligence officer, he came to Washington as an aide to then Sen. James Abourezk, D-S.D.

55.   Agency officials say the guidelines would clearly bar the kind of disgraceful relationship the CIA has maintained for years with murderous Guatemalan military and intelligence officers.

56.   Born in Seattle, Foisie was graduated from Harvard University and served as an intelligence officer in World War II.

57.   Both Pentagon appointees are career intelligence officers.

58.   But as Brig. Gen. Charles W. Thomas, an intelligence officer, observed, total faithfulness to reality is still some distance off.

59.   But even in its details, the document underscores the limited effort American intelligence officers seem to have made to sort out such accusations.

60.   But George Blake, a British intelligence officer who was then a spy for Moscow, is believed to have betrayed the operation to the Soviets.

n. + officer >>共 349
army 11.71%
security 9.80%
intelligence 5.77%
enforcement 5.74%
law 5.48%
custom 3.27%
liaison 2.04%
duty 2.00%
immigration 1.92%
correction 1.88%
intelligence + n. >>共 394
official 12.35%
agency 11.30%
service 11.20%
officer 8.72%
report 6.70%
agent 6.34%
information 3.40%
chief 3.28%
source 3.24%
community 1.94%
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