51.   Of these, three were Infrastructure Project Companies, which provides an avenue for fund raising for the vital infrastructure development in the country.

52.   Obviously, all these factors add heavily to the infrastructure development of the state.

53.   Ramos said a major issue to be taken up with Keating would be continued economic cooperation in areas such as mining, infrastructure development and communications.

54.   Some analysts believe Burma cannot progress much further without assistance for infrastructure development which will support major industry.

55.   Sunday brought closed discussions among regional leaders on the economic future, including energy, telecommunications, water management and infrastructure development.

56.   The answer lies with a combination of education, skills training, mechanization, introduction, and application of technologies and infrastructure development.

57.   The bill would allot aid for infrastructure development and measures to include teaching the Corsican language in primary schools.

58.   The document talks in general terms of speeding up infrastructure development, protecting the small scale sector, improving social development.

59.   The funds were earmarked in part for basic health services and rural infrastructure development, as well as the integration into civilian life of demobilized soldiers.

60.   The loans would be used to finance public works projects and infrastructure development, with priority given to projects that create business for Japanese companies.

n. + development >>共 698
product 6.93%
business 6.24%
property 4.63%
software 3.53%
player 2.62%
infrastructure 2.62%
drug 2.30%
character 2.13%
community 2.06%
child 1.76%
infrastructure + n. >>共 184
project 38.71%
development 7.92%
improvement 4.22%
company 3.48%
investment 3.18%
problem 2.37%
facility 1.85%
minister 1.78%
sector 1.70%
work 1.63%
每页显示:    共 106