51.   They also launched an infantry attack which was repulsed, the radio said.

52.   Locals fleeing the fighting area described heavy shelling but said they were not aware of infantry attacks.

53.   Muttaqi said an infantry attack Tuesday by ethnic Uzbek warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostam had been repulsed by the Taliban in Badghis.

54.   No infantry attack from either side took place but heavy artillery fire was traded.

55.   The Belgrade news agency Tanjug reported a violent artillery and infantry dawn attack on Brcko, as well as skirmishes around Gornji Vakuf, also under Serb control.

56.   The Bosnian Serb news agency SRNA said Tuesday night that Croatian army units had launched a strong artillery and infantry attack on Serb positions in the Grahovo area.

57.   The fighting erupted when rebel mujahedeen forces launched an infantry attack early Thursday against the troops of Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani.

n. + attack >>共 391
bomb 10.46%
terror 7.61%
suicide 7.41%
rocket 5.73%
air 5.16%
rebel 5.04%
missile 4.53%
guerrilla 3.73%
arson 3.00%
grenade 2.74%
infantry 0.37%
infantry + n. >>共 93
unit 13.43%
attack 10.07%
battalion 8.48%
assault 5.48%
troop 5.48%
company 4.95%
division 3.89%
regiment 3.53%
soldier 3.36%
force 2.47%
每页显示:    共 57