51.   Disclosure is currently not required from independent groups.

52.   DiTirro said Blue Cross already uses independent groups of physicians to decide medical necessity questions in certain cases.

53.   Even so, Americans for Tax Reform and allied independent groups have been busy this week in New Hampshire and South Carolina attacking McCain.

54.   Federal election laws prohibit coordination of partisan activities, like advertising campaigns, between political parties and independent groups, like nonprofit organizations.

55.   Forbes identified that group as the Republican Leadership Council, an independent liberal Republican group.

56.   Further, they say, while the Republican National Committee has not aired any ads, independent groups supporting Bush, also using unregulated contributions, have.

57.   George W. Bush is trouncing Al Gore in the race for high-tech donations, according to an independent group that tracks campaign contributions.

58.   Goodling, admittedly frustrated by Gerow and the independent groups, thought he deserved better than the spirited challenge he is getting.

59.   Gore consulted with a number of advocates of revisions in current campaign finance law, including members of Congress and leaders of independent groups.

60.   Gore is buying more ads at cheaper time slots and he is benefitting from many more commercials on his behalf paid for by independent groups such as Planned Parenthood.

a. + group >>共 680
militant 5.43%
small 4.11%
islamic 3.72%
environmental 3.57%
ethnic 3.46%
terrorist 2.12%
the 2.11%
religious 1.85%
armed 1.77%
paramilitary 1.68%
independent 0.45%
independent + n. >>共 763
counsel 8.67%
state 5.72%
confirmation 3.90%
newspaper 2.28%
candidate 2.14%
medium 1.92%
homeland 1.77%
commission 1.65%
company 1.58%
group 1.54%
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