51.   In some, abrasive elements were incorporated in an effort to improve cleaning effectiveness.

52.   In the passenger protection department, theSafrane incorporates elements of the Side Impact Protection Systemdeveloped by Volvo.

53.   Manokaran said the National Biodiversity Committee was looking into existing legislations to incorporate elements of access and benefit-sharing from the use of components of biodiversity.

54.   Next year, Roberts plans to introduce his own package that incorporates those elements as an alternative to rewriting farm policy.

55.   Often couples said their children were being raised Jewish but in practice incorporated Christian elements.

56.   On its part, the SC introduced important amendments to the securities laws to incorporate important elements of exchange and member conduct, and investor protection.

57.   Singlish incorporates elements from the Chinese, Malay and Tamil languages, and often drops English prepositions and pronouns.

58.   Singlish incorporates elements from Chinese, Malay and Tamil and often drops English prepositions and pronouns.

59.   This year, Roberts plans to introduce his own package that incorporates those elements as an alternative to rewriting farm policy.

60.   Van Zoest noted that mainstream Dutch churches are incorporating elements of alternative spirituality, such as Eastern meditation techniques and flower rituals, into their own worship.

v. + element >>共 487
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