51.   He sees no evidence that New York officers are poorly trained and added that nothing in the Police Corps program guarantees improved performance.

52.   He said the company expects to see improved performance in the second half of the year.

53.   He won new reading programs for students and training for teachers, exit exams for high school graduates and a plan to reward schools for improved performance.

54.   Higher ore grades contributed to improved operating performance at its Porgera mine, Golden Sunlight mine in the U.S. and Granny Smith mine in Australia, it said.

55.   I wondered if the radical design was a gimmick or something that would translate into improved performance.

56.   In broad terms, Israel would agree to withdraw in phases from a significant portion of the West Bank as the Palestinians demonstrated improved performance on combating terrorism.

57.   In addition, they plug into the PCI local bus for improved performance.

58.   In its prospectus, Dollar Thrifty says it must sustain its improved performance this year to meet its debt service obligations using operating cash flow.

59.   Instead, she says she wants local school districts to have more discretion over how federal money gets spent and more responsibility for earning it through improved performance.

60.   It is important for your brother-in-law to understand the upside potential associated with improved performance, along with the consequences associated with continued marginal work.

a. + performance >>共 953
poor 5.30%
strong 4.68%
good 2.42%
best 2.41%
economic 1.98%
live 1.67%
financial 1.60%
impressive 1.36%
better 1.36%
recent 1.30%
improved 1.29%
improved + n. >>共 892
relation 5.05%
performance 3.89%
condition 3.28%
tie 2.15%
result 2.13%
earnings 1.99%
security 1.52%
version 1.47%
economy 1.45%
technology 1.38%
每页显示:    共 171