51.   After Expo, amended federal immigration laws beckoned monied newcomers.

52.   After the law passed, then-attorney general Janet Reno said the Justice Department would have to establish training and procedures for enforcing immigration laws.

53.   Both opponents and supporters of tighter immigration laws plan major protests and rallies at the Republican National Convention in August.

54.   But a major push to enforce immigration laws is still uncertain.

55.   Buchanan wants to use immigration laws to block entry to the sort of people who will water down the European white culture in America.

56.   But for deportation, Ragno said he would only consider evidence that Yakhkind violated US immigration laws.

57.   But for many thousands from a vast number of nationalities, enforcement of immigration laws is a hit-or-miss process that can drag out for many years.

58.   But he also promised tougher enforcement of immigration laws.

59.   But he has been embroiled in the intricacies of U.S. immigration law and it is unclear whether he will be freed immediately.

60.   But he also supported a cutoff of defense spending on NATO allies and backed changes in immigration law that riled some Hispanic groups.

n. + law >>共 635
labor 5.00%
tax 4.86%
election 4.54%
immigration 4.53%
security 4.19%
campaign 3.18%
draft 2.91%
finance 2.60%
bankruptcy 2.21%
gun 2.14%
immigration + n. >>共 388
official 16.92%
law 9.74%
policy 5.31%
authority 5.03%
service 4.11%
officer 3.49%
bill 2.76%
judge 2.73%
issue 2.46%
status 2.05%
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