51.   But Grinspoon said those who want to block medical use of marijuana would reverse their position if they could see the effects it has on terminally ill patients.

52.   But it should mark the beginning of a national effort to better educate and train caregivers to help terminally ill patients die with dignity.

53.   But the ruling also made clear, advocates of marijuana for seriously ill patients said, that Congress could change the laws that ban the drug.

54.   But the Canadian research shows that critically ill patients who received more blood were up to twice as likely to die as those who received less.

55.   But they do not apply to mentally ill patients who are medically stable.

56.   But there is no equivalent system for other chronically ill patients, who follow more of a roller-coaster pattern over a period of years.

57.   But the mentally ill patients can expect, at least at first, to go through a difficult period.

58.   But they had never seen a critically ill Ebola patient behave like this.

59.   By combining new drugs called protease inhibitors with old workhorses like AZT, desperately ill patients are achieving miraculous remissions.

60.   But what about cases where reporters enter child care centers and homes for mentally ill patients under false pretenses to expose abuse?

a. + patient >>共 968
ill 7.74%
elderly 3.18%
new 2.30%
the 2.08%
young 1.87%
first 1.81%
former 1.81%
older 1.66%
dying 1.56%
psychiatric 1.49%
ill + n. >>共 241
patient 22.62%
effect 16.56%
people 11.04%
child 4.73%
treatment 3.03%
mother 2.18%
fortune 1.58%
wind 1.52%
woman 1.27%
person 1.27%
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