51.   Theoretically, lower Japanese interest rates hurt the yen by making returns less attractive on yen-denominated assets.

52.   Hacche said the collapse announced Monday made a rise in Japanese interest rates less likely and that this hurt the yen.

53.   That hurt the yen, in view of concern about the Japanese banking system, and hence helped the greenback.

v. + yen >>共 138
sell 21.11%
weaken 11.30%
buy 8.06%
boost 5.77%
support 5.14%
hurt 4.19%
undermine 4.03%
help 3.56%
bolster 2.85%
strengthen 2.21%
hurt + n. >>共 836
profit 5.74%
earnings 5.68%
stock 3.46%
sale 3.13%
dollar 3.12%
company 3.00%
economy 2.61%
business 2.49%
chance 2.07%
people 2.04%
yen 0.65%
每页显示:    共 53