51.   But UNHCR officials point out it has not ensured their safety in their home villages.

52.   De Bernieres said he planned to write a series of short stories about his home village.

53.   Despite its efforts, UNHCR will face huge obstacles in persuading Hutus to return to their home villages.

54.   Despite massive and indiscriminate destruction by Serb authorities, Otunnu said there was no real alternative to people going back to their home villages.

55.   Did he insist on returning to his home village in what is now Israel or would he accept compensation for staying put?

56.   Dozens of ethnic Albanian students were crowding aboard buses heading for home villages where they feel safer.

57.   Dressed in fine clothes, she returned to her home village in Thailand to recruit.

58.   Fearing another quake, the migrant laborers have been trying to get back to their home village.

59.   Former Zairian dictator Mobutu Sese Seko slipped out of his home village in a cargo plane late Saturday night for Togo, Togolese state television reported.

60.   Funeral plans were unknown, but Vanga was always quoted as saying she wanted to be buried in her home village.

a. + village >>共 1042
remote 5.37%
nearby 5.10%
small 4.88%
surrounding 2.54%
entire 2.01%
palestinian 2.00%
home 1.95%
tiny 1.90%
rural 1.88%
neighboring 1.78%
home + n. >>共 512
game 6.52%
state 4.53%
team 4.34%
country 3.77%
sale 2.38%
office 2.21%
side 1.98%
town 1.76%
buyer 1.72%
crowd 1.61%
village 0.75%
每页显示:    共 157