51.   Alcoa, Alcan and Kaiser all announced price hikes on a wide variety of products, hitting industries ranging from beer to automobile manufacturing.

52.   As well as petrol shortages hitting private motorists, industry has been hit with lay-offs due to lack of supplies caught in the roadblocks.

53.   BGMEA leaders said stikes had badly hit the industry in the past two years during action by the Awami League when in opposition.

54.   But heavy fighting between rival north and south forces has badly hit the industry.

55.   But the cut has hit Iranian industry which is heavily dependent on foreign spare parts and raw materials.

56.   Cigarettes and fuel levies were increased while alcohol, another industry perennially hit for revenue at budget was unscathed.

57.   Daily power cuts effective since March have hit industries and are expected to slow down economic growth, officials said.

58.   The world electronics industry has been hit hard by a cyclical downturn amid a glut in personal computers.

59.   Major industries were hit but small businesses were open and casual labourers were seen scouting for work.

60.   Many nuclear workers have gone unpaid for months, and the industry has been hit by frequent strikes.

v. + industry >>共 769
protect 2.88%
regulate 2.53%
deregulate 2.40%
dominate 2.14%
bank 1.90%
hurt 1.77%
help 1.72%
hit 1.66%
sue 1.56%
affect 1.50%
hit + n. >>共 887
ball 5.35%
two 2.61%
homer 2.42%
target 2.11%
ground 1.75%
three 1.72%
market 1.53%
wall 1.52%
road 1.50%
shot 1.40%
industry 0.27%
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