51.   The hearing officer at the Niagara Regional Detention Center was reluctant to release him on bail, suspecting that Marabh might flee the country before a court date.

52.   The hearing officer in that case, Steven Schwartz, resigned as a result.

53.   The hearing officer must have been from Mars.

54.   The hearing officer refused to comment on the case, as did the vice principal who ordered the locker search at the school.

55.   The judge, or hearing officer, would then make a recommendation for the Housing Authority.

56.   The hearing officer promised a decision this month.

57.   The hearing officers here speak with rare candor.

58.   The hearing officer agreed.

59.   The hearing officer did not rule on those allegations.

60.   The hearing officer, Catherine Hess, is to hear more testimony before making a recommendation to the commissioner of public health, Stephen Harriman.

a. + officer >>共 587
military 12.15%
senior 7.98%
former 3.63%
the 3.55%
chief 2.26%
retired 1.74%
naval 1.59%
top 1.59%
israeli 1.57%
russian 1.51%
hearing 0.59%
hearing + n. >>共 253
loss 16.57%
room 12.69%
date 8.43%
officer 6.69%
problem 3.50%
process 3.12%
test 2.13%
impairment 1.90%
evidence 1.90%
voice 1.67%
每页显示:    共 87