51.   Heard that one?

52.   Heard the one about the mysterious Klingerman virus or the Costa Rican bananas causing necrotizing fasciitis?

53.   Heard the one about the president and Monica Lewinsky?

54.   Heard the one about the Texan selling refried beans in Mexico?

55.   Hey, did you hear the one about Mahatma Gandhi and Aimee Semple McPherson?

56.   Hey Laura, did you ever hear this one?

57.   Heard that one before.

58.   Heard that one before?

59.   Heard the one about the homeless guy with the cell phone?

60.   Heard the one about the trees chasing the dogs?

v. + one >>共 829
include 9.78%
have 5.14%
get 2.86%
win 2.49%
make 1.80%
lose 1.74%
find 1.66%
buy 1.65%
take 1.41%
use 1.21%
hear 0.87%
hear + n. >>共 761
case 7.79%
argument 4.47%
explosion 4.18%
voice 3.68%
news 3.25%
testimony 2.63%
appeal 2.43%
shot 2.39%
story 2.23%
sound 2.22%
one 0.60%
每页显示:    共 100