51.   And he actually had that kind of stuff, and was that kind of bulldog.

52.   And even a farm row has a kind of beauty, with space between the rows, and between each plant, so you can see its architecture.

53.   And few employment lawyers ever have the kind of explicit evidence of bias that arose in the case of Texaco Inc.

54.   And few have ever had this kind of all-enveloping publicity.

55.   And he has a kind of sophistication.

56.   And being in the securities business herself, she could be expected to have the kind of know-how and connections to underwriters that should have come in handy.

57.   And if the pensions that supply the balance of your current income have some kind of inflation adjustment, so much the better.

58.   And even an apartment is not likely to have the kind of space available at home.

59.   And still others are composed of materials so varied and dense as to have a kind of compacted physical potency.

60.   And I had to have the kind of hair conditioner she used.

v. + kind >>共 922
have 11.40%
make 4.00%
get 2.41%
do 2.10%
create 1.92%
use 1.76%
provide 1.58%
need 1.58%
see 1.52%
offer 1.34%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
kind 0.23%
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