51.   Let them have a hearing, too.

52.   Most people, but not all, because all do not have normal hearing.

53.   Money is going to the law firm, and she has a hearing coming up next month.

54.   On the day of his rampage, Drega was to have had a hearing in Bow on his subdivision dispute.

55.   On Wednesday, NBA players seeking to decertify their union have a hearing before the National Labor Relations Board in New York.

56.   Pearlstein, who has trouble hearing but says he picks up everything without necessarily letting on, usually just smiles.

57.   President Clinton intends to wear his hearing aids under defined circumstances only, particularly at large, noisy receptions, where it was officially announced he has difficulty hearing.

58.   Republican members of Congress have scheduled hearings this month on the Waco and Ruby Ridge confrontations, a potential political embarrassment for federal law-enforcement authorities.

59.   Sarah has no hearing in her left ear and severe loss in her right ear.

60.   She has difficulty hearing, and she speaks in a soft, quavering voice.

v. + hearing >>共 341
hold 27.61%
schedule 11.86%
attend 5.86%
conduct 3.31%
begin 2.89%
pend 2.76%
adjourn 2.69%
have 2.53%
postpone 2.08%
plan 1.85%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
hearing 0.04%
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