51.   Investors signaled what they worry could happen by what they sold Friday.

52.   It could never have happened purely by design.

53.   It all happened by accident, when the self-trained chef traded a job in the Zuni Cafe kitchen in San Francisco for one at a hotel in Maui.

54.   It is not even clear when and how the center will take over the academy from the orchestra, though it is to happen by next year.

55.   Interfilm, where you decide what happens by pressing buttons attached to your seat in a movie theater, is getting there.

56.   It could happen by early next year.

57.   Later that day they used his patrol car to block an isolated road as two park rangers, Opal James and David Small, happened by.

58.   Lasting change, however, will happen only by reaching the children.

59.   Lieser notes that it had not happened by Labor Day weekend, although most economic indicators had signaled an end to the economic expansion.

60.   Lewis wants to unify the heavyweight title and there is talk by Dino Duva that this fight could happen by early next year.

v. + by >>共 1204
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happen + p. >>共 78
in 46.46%
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