51.   He said the request did not include Phillipe Biamby, the former head of the Haitian military who also has asylum in Panama.

52.   President Clinton threatened the Haitian military with an invasion in September, frightening them into surrendering power.

53.   The joint commission was expelled by the Haitian military in July and was recently redeployed.

54.   The United States threatened the Haitian military with an invasion in September, frightening it into surrendering power.

55.   They dismantled the Haitian military, and President Jean-Bertrand Aristide returned from exile in October.

56.   U.S.-led forces returned the populist leader to power last fall, then dismantled and sought to reform the Haitian military.

57.   He said the Haitian military was studying plans with the US command in Haiti for maintaining order.

58.   In Washington, meanwhile, witnesses were testifying before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission about atrocities they said the Haitian military committed.

59.   According to Shalikashvili, members of the Haitian military have been stashing arms and using civilian dress and could become a source of resistance.

60.   All international flights to Haiti have been stopped as part of a UN trade embargo designed to drive the Haitian military from power.

a. + military >>共 478
israeli 17.14%
russian 13.10%
indonesian 6.98%
american 3.30%
turkish 2.54%
philippine 2.34%
chinese 2.15%
powerful 2.04%
colombian 1.77%
thai 1.70%
haitian 1.60%
haitian + n. >>共 419
government 7.28%
police 7.07%
refugee 4.97%
army 4.38%
immigrant 4.25%
leader 4.00%
official 3.66%
military 3.54%
capital 2.48%
soldier 2.23%
每页显示:    共 84