51.   But the colleges say they can do little beyond talking to guidance counselors, students and parents about their concerns, and hope that people take them to heart.

52.   Career coaches are part cheerleader, part guidance counselor and part sounding board.

53.   Carlos is a guidance counselor at Palm Springs High School and has just written an autobiography.

54.   Concerned over his social development, the Kaczynskis consulted school guidance counselors, but never took Teddy to a psychiatrist or psychologist, David said.

55.   College officials and high-school guidance counselors see several other factors as wreaking havoc on traditional enrollment patterns.

56.   Does that mean that a concerned guidance counselor should not have a serious talk with a student who comes to school with a swastika on his arm?

57.   Estrella students decide what courses to take after consulting with guidance counselors at their schools in Texas and, in some cases, New York.

58.   Even as all this is happening, guidance counselors are telling students they really need to start getting a sense of what the college scene is all about.

59.   Few families or high school guidance counselors can do that.

60.   Fitzsimmons spends several weeks each semester on the road, meeting with students, parents, guidance counselors, and Harvard alumni.

n. + counselor >>共 167
guidance 21.39%
school 9.01%
grief 6.62%
career 6.62%
marriage 5.43%
drug 4.13%
health 3.15%
investment 2.39%
crisis 2.06%
job 1.95%
guidance + n. >>共 60
counselor 42.73%
system 28.20%
note 2.82%
office 2.17%
computer 1.95%
technology 1.74%
program 1.08%
equipment 0.87%
device 0.87%
material 0.87%
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