51.   Instead, the reports contend, the government chose to focus its attention on the constitutional referendum in an effort to assure a big turnout and a resounding victory.

52.   It is not as if local governments choose antiquated and imperfect systems out of principle.

53.   It was a request by Clinton that Rich agree to waive any statute of limitations defenses if the government chose to pursue a civil case against him.

54.   Like the regulators of earlier years, the government has chosen to be active in this case rather than passive.

55.   Mosquitoes have grown resistant to many remedies and the aid group is worried that without help African governments will choose cheaper replacement drugs that are less effective.

56.   Nojeim was particularly offended by a provision allowing authorities to deport noncitizens suspected of terrorist ties using classified evidence the government could choose not to reveal.

57.   Recently, more governments have chosen to allow the IMF to release information on the consultations.

58.   Regardless, there is something unsettling about having the government choose between faiths and between the religious and the secular.

59.   Several Bay Area Democrats suggested that the Taliban government had chosen its fate by refusing to hand over suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden.

60.   Second is the guaranteed favoritism that would be exercised when government chose religions to carry out these services.

n. + choose >>共 971
people 4.55%
voter 4.32%
company 3.17%
government 2.68%
customer 2.04%
woman 1.86%
investor 1.69%
student 1.55%
parent 1.53%
consumer 1.51%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
choose 0.14%
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