51.   Many companies are unwilling to pay bills or taxes in hopes that a new government might cancel them or pick up the tab.

52.   Meanwhile, the government canceled auctions for stakes in the Sukhoi fighter jet design bureau, helicopter maker Progress and airplane plant Aviatsionnoye PO.

53.   Meanwhile, the government canceled auctions Tuesday for three defense companies due to be offered under the same controversial loans-for-shares scheme.

54.   Meanwhile, the government canceled its weekly auction of bonds called Tesobonos because of a lack of demand.

55.   Navis suggested the government cancels the new system and instead improves the inspection of delivery shipments.

56.   Opposition parties, led by Islamic activists, have urged the government to cancel the event and business leaders to boycott it.

57.   One month earlier, the military-backed government canceled parliamentary elections the Islamic Salvation Front was expected to win.

58.   On Thursday, the state government of Maharashtra canceled the deal the largest private foreign investment in India.

59.   One resolution drafted by the leftists called on the government to cancel all documents on cooperation with NATO and to forbid any joint exercises with the alliance in Ukraine.

60.   Prodded by the generals, the government recently canceled teaching certificates of a dozen Al-Azhar graduates in Turkey.

n. + cancel >>共 425
government 9.12%
airline 5.33%
company 5.21%
official 4.68%
authority 3.32%
president 2.37%
school 1.78%
team 1.78%
leader 1.78%
tourist 1.48%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
cancel 0.15%
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