51.   The newspaper report said other governments in the four-nation planemaking group had already agreed to give aid to Airbus partners.

52.   The problem with U.S. policy toward Russia is that in order to persuade Congress to give aid to Moscow, Presidents Bush and Clinton oversold the relationship.

53.   The referendum would give lawmakers the power to give state aid to religious schools.

54.   The United States and other countries are nervous about giving more aid, fearing it will only be wasted.

55.   The U.S. and other countries are nervous about giving more aid, fearing it will only be wasted.

56.   The United States has continued to give aid to Armenia.

57.   Under the current arrangement, Japan plays more of a junior partner role, mainly giving financial aid and allowing U.S. bases to be located there.

58.   Until now, federal education aid has provided incentives for schools to expand these programs by giving schools aid for each student referred to bilingual education.

59.   Under the law, the state would instantly stop giving cash aid to able-bodied applicants.

60.   Pakistan denies giving material aid, but has said it supports the cause of the guerrillas to separate from India and join Pakistan.

v. + aid >>共 524
provide 8.92%
receive 6.01%
send 3.74%
distribute 3.51%
deliver 3.45%
give 3.40%
offer 2.79%
seek 2.73%
get 2.61%
suspend 2.45%
give + n. >>共 870
detail 9.82%
way 3.40%
name 2.50%
reason 2.44%
indication 1.91%
money 1.61%
information 1.42%
rise 1.36%
credit 1.35%
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aid 0.31%
每页显示:    共 207