51.   But these days another type of index fund is gaining popularity with investors.

52.   Clip-ons seem to be gaining popularity, an indication that they may have kicked the cheap geek stigma.

53.   Cocaine use is increasing, with crack cocaine gaining popularity among some marginal groups.

54.   Convenience foods gained popularity.

55.   Coveted in Europe for decades, it is just now gaining popularity in the United States.

56.   Critics of Hun Sen have called this an assassination attempt on Rainsy, who was gaining popularity.

57.   Dance and rhythm video games are rapidly gaining popularity in the United States after blossoming in Japan.

58.   Debra Fritz, home decorating consultant for Target stores, says glass gazing balls that reflect surrounding areas are gaining popularity as well.

59.   Despite their record of massacres and brutality, the Self Defense Forces are gaining popularity.

60.   Digital cameras, while still out of the price range of most casual photographers, are gaining popularity among dedicated photogs.

v. + popularity >>共 234
gain 25.62%
enjoy 10.76%
lose 4.34%
boost 4.02%
increase 2.73%
regain 2.01%
win 1.69%
maintain 1.61%
erode 1.45%
retain 1.37%
gain + n. >>共 494
ground 7.40%
access 6.63%
control 4.75%
momentum 4.34%
support 3.85%
strength 2.76%
popularity 2.36%
attention 2.10%
confidence 1.96%
approval 1.92%
每页显示:    共 317