51.   Wait until you have enough dirty dishes for a full load before running your dishwasher.

52.   With the third seat up to accommodate a full load, the well becomes a covered cargo bin, and more cargo can be loaded atop that.

53.   Henderson told a Congressional committee that a continually weakening postal system would eventually fail to handle the full load of universal mail service Americans expect.

54.   I had a full load and competitions coming up.

55.   The company decided to send an empty plane that would pick up the passengers and then take on a full load of fuel from Rome.

56.   The small single-engined propeller craft crashed soon after taking off with a full load of fire retardant.

57.   Use the washing machine for a full load only.

58.   Lightning struck a jetliner Tuesday as it was pulling away from the gate with a full load of passengers, injuring three workers outside the plane.

59.   The central fuel tank was almost empty at takeoff because the plane was not carrying a full load.

a. + load >>共 283
heavy 16.32%
full 6.10%
viral 4.34%
teaching 2.69%
heavier 2.17%
first 2.07%
scoring 2.07%
offensive 1.76%
large 1.76%
huge 1.65%
full + n. >>共 1075
day 2.19%
year 2.08%
control 1.63%
season 1.47%
support 1.42%
strength 1.38%
swing 1.30%
recovery 1.26%
force 1.17%
range 1.16%
load 0.20%
每页显示:    共 59