51.   The weeklong Republican campaign in Super Tuesday states fueled a debate over religious tolerance and inflamed the personal feuding between the two candidates.

52.   You think UNGASS is what fuels United Nations debates?

53.   For its part, the Congress has held hearings on the harmful effects of tobacco, fueling debate over whether cigarettes should be banned.

54.   Although the proposal has not formally taken off, the idea has fueled widespread debate and may hit the NF vote purely by having been aired so openly.

55.   And although Clinton made good on the promised Tokyo visit this month, the delay fuelled Japanese debate on the value of the alliance.

56.   Debate was fuelled by opposition demands for government assurances that it would not maintain registers of private citizens lodging foreigners.

57.   Debate was fueled particular by opposition demands for government assurances that it would not maintain registers of private citizens lodging foreigners.

58.   The weakness of the dollar against the yen and the German mark are also set to fuel debate among Japan, Germany and the United States over monetary policy.

59.   Opposition parties picked up on the comments and fueled debate in the local media.

60.   President George W. Bush has offered a ringing endorsement for sex education that teaches only abstinence, but his proposals have fueled debate over money for such programs.

v. + debate >>共 586
begin 4.46%
spark 4.44%
open 2.91%
hold 2.45%
end 2.15%
stir 1.97%
watch 1.81%
provoke 1.65%
fuel 1.56%
reopen 1.51%
fuel + n. >>共 692
speculation 8.32%
inflation 4.49%
growth 4.20%
concern 3.49%
fear 3.11%
tension 2.09%
demand 2.01%
rise 1.75%
debate 1.65%
gain 1.58%
每页显示:    共 68