51.   Oman and Bahrain are the only GCC countries that allow foreigners to own shares in their markets but such ownership has remained restricted.

52.   The government last week ruled out drastic moves, saying foreigners own only two percent of the housing stock and their presence showed confidence in the republic.

n. + own >>共 715
company 16.43%
family 7.24%
government 3.02%
father 2.87%
investor 2.35%
people 2.26%
fund 1.71%
group 1.68%
foreigner 1.59%
member 1.59%
foreigner + v. >>共 426
be 20.75%
have 4.50%
buy 2.81%
own 2.66%
come 1.89%
take 1.79%
leave 1.64%
hold 1.33%
get 1.28%
invest 1.23%
每页显示:    共 52