51.   The ban on donations from American subsidiaries of foreign corporations could have a more negative effect on fund-raising totals.

52.   The company had argued that it should not be included in the lawsuit because it is a foreign corporation that did not do business in the United States.

53.   The current account includes trade, repatriation of profits by foreign corporations and proceeds from debt sales.

54.   The factory workers who collected paychecks from foreign corporations such as BMW, Michelin and Hitachi concluded that tariffs were not in their best interest.

55.   The good news is that entrepreneurs such as the Bronfmans tend to have temperaments better suited to that kind of risk than major foreign corporations.

56.   The law allows U.S.-based subsidiaries of foreign corporations and legal noncitizens to give to political parties and candidates.

57.   The party has not decided whether to lift a third restriction, which prohibits taking money from US subsidiaries of foreign corporations.

58.   The party has set stricter new guidelines that include a ban on gifts from foreign nationals, including donations from U.S. subsidiaries of foreign corporations.

59.   Washington has enough legal authority, if the White House will wake up, to prevent the desecration of an American treasure by a foreign corporation.

60.   Werner Mueller, the economics minister, warned against letting nationalism dominate the discussion, noting that German companies had bought many major foreign corporations.

a. + corporation >>共 522
large 13.68%
major 9.13%
multinational 8.91%
big 6.87%
american 3.56%
japanese 3.11%
private 2.80%
foreign 2.54%
nonprofit 2.26%
giant 1.44%
foreign + n. >>共 619
investor 9.09%
ministry 8.10%
investment 6.47%
company 4.04%
currency 3.03%
country 2.22%
bank 1.86%
government 1.71%
journalist 1.58%
worker 1.55%
corporation 0.16%
每页显示:    共 89