51.   When Pvt. Noam Friedman fired his Israeli army assault rifle at Palestinians in a Hebron market, he made clear a painful truth.

52.   Wilson was unable to use either arm to fire his rifle, and marine casualties were mounting.

53.   Yugoslav army troops hold positions on Albanian territory near the village, from which they fire their rifles.

54.   Police used tear gas and fired automatic rifles into the air to clear the crowds.

55.   Pavlic allegedly fired his rifle at an elderly man who refused to sit down, killing him and wounding several other prisoners.

56.   Rebel soldiers fired rifles in the air to disperse mobs of Zairians clawing the ground and each other for boxes of crackers at a nearly empty warehouse in Goma.

57.   A few rocks were thrown and five police fired Kalashnikov rifles, two of them aiming directly into the crowd.

58.   A bloodied newspaper lay on the side of the road, just inches from where two men fired their rifles into the car.

59.   A hearing impaired man was shot five times and killed after he fired his rifle at police during a standoff in a parking lot.

60.   A gunman fires a rifle at the White House, leaving bullet marks on the north wall and drilling a hole through a window.

v. + rifle >>共 166
fire 14.24%
carry 11.76%
use 4.78%
point 3.44%
hold 2.77%
find 2.68%
include 2.58%
raise 2.58%
tote 2.29%
grab 2.20%
fire + n. >>共 352
shot 24.13%
missile 8.10%
rocket 7.93%
gun 4.26%
shell 4.18%
weapon 3.06%
bullet 2.72%
coach 2.62%
round 2.28%
mortar 2.25%
rifle 1.21%
每页显示:    共 148