51.   The theory is that a huge paint maker should be found liable for a certain percentage of damages based on past share of the lead paint market.

52.   When the jury found O.J. Simpson liable last week, the families celebrated separately.

53.   A civil jury found him liable for the deaths after he was acquitted of criminal charges.

54.   A criminal jury acquitted him, but a civil jury found him liable in the slayings.

55.   A government commission found Omai liable.

56.   A government-appointed commission found Omai liable for the accident.

57.   Armstrong and A.P. Green were found liable in one case and settled with the other plaintiffs.

58.   Asahara was found liable in an earlier court decision.

59.   At trial, MIT was found not liable.

60.   Dow Chemical had been found liable on only that one issue of five the jury had to consider.

v. + liable >>共 9
hold 61.92%
find 26.94%
make 8.55%
consider 0.78%
render 0.78%
deem 0.26%
found 0.26%
keep 0.26%
leave 0.26%
find + a. >>共 665
guilty 23.28%
difficult 8.58%
dead 8.34%
hard 6.60%
alive 2.17%
easier 1.93%
innocent 1.55%
easy 1.19%
impossible 1.17%
responsible 1.04%
liable 0.74%
每页显示:    共 103