51.   Tehran offers assistance to Hezbollah guerrillas fighting to oust Israeli troops from the south.

52.   The army usually blames Hutu rebels fighting to oust the Tutsi-dominated government.

53.   The ADF rebels, who include fighters favoring an Islamic state, are fighting to oust President Yoweri Museveni.

54.   The civil war in Congo erupted when Rwanda and Uganda sent troops in support of Congolese rebels fighting to oust then-President Laurent Kabila.

55.   The guns in Congo were supposed to have fallen silent after an August peace agreement between the president and the rebels fighting to oust him.

56.   The Iranian-backed Hezbollah have been fighting to oust the Israelis from Lebanese soil.

57.   The government officially denies supporting the Congolese rebels who are fighting to oust President Laurent Kabila.

58.   The leader of rebels fighting to oust Congo President Laurent Kabila on Friday said President Nelson Mandela could preside over peace talks.

59.   The guerrillas are fighting to oust Israel from the security zone.

60.   The Iranian-backed Hezbollah is the most active of the guerrilla groups fighting to oust Israeli forces from a buffer zone they occupy in southern Lebanon.

v. + oust >>共 29
fight 51.61%
fighting 8.39%
battle 7.74%
campaign 5.16%
work 3.23%
be 2.58%
use 2.58%
discuss 1.94%
do 1.29%
form 1.29%
fight + v. >>共 419
keep 10.25%
get 3.72%
oust 3.07%
save 2.84%
end 2.65%
overthrow 2.38%
stay 2.23%
preserve 2.15%
maintain 1.84%
have 1.80%
每页显示:    共 80