51.   Fighting between both sides ensued and has continued, preventing Ecopetrol from repairing the pipeline and resuming normal production, the Ecopetrol spokesman said.

52.   Fighting between clans has actually increased in recent weeks in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, heightening concern that the final phase of the pullout will not be peaceful.

53.   Fighting between ethnic Albanian rebels and Macedonian troops continued Tuesday in Tetovo, the northwestern Macedonian town not far from the border with Kosovo.

54.   Fighting between Palestinians and Israeli forces continued Wednesday as two more Palestinians were fatally shot before dawn near the West Bank town of Ramallah.

55.   Fighting between the rebels and French troops may be inevitable, the rebel sources said.

56.   Fighting between Abkhazian separatists and Georgian militias erupted several days ago in western Gali, a buffer area between the breakaway Republic of Abkhazia and Georgian-held territory.

57.   Fighting between Croats and ethnic Serbs in Croatia broke out, with rebel Serbs declaring independence in the Krajina region.

58.   Fighting between government forces and Zairian rebels allegedly backed by the Rwandan government displaced all the refugees in North Kivu, except those in Mugunga.

59.   Fighting between government troops and Rwandan-backed rebels has flared up recently in a mineral-rich region in southeastern Congo.

60.   Fighting between India and Pakistan intensified last week over land both countries claim.

v. + between >>共 726
fight 8.14%
fighting 4.61%
break_out 2.84%
exist 2.84%
stand 2.41%
sandwich 2.35%
catch 2.26%
reach 1.94%
sign 1.91%
make 1.78%
fight + p. >>共 69
for 36.35%
in 22.12%
between 7.20%
off 5.72%
over 4.93%
on 4.13%
alongside 3.16%
to 2.28%
through 1.44%
at 1.17%
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