51.   Afghan factions agreed on the force during talks in Bonn this month which led to the formation of the power-sharing interim administration.

52.   At a weekend summit in Rome, the factions agreed to restore all contacts among them, according to US mediator Richard Holbrooke, architect of the peace accord.

53.   At a conference in Florence, Italy, Friday, the former warring factions agreed to limit their arms stockpiles.

54.   But the rival factions agreed to set up high-level monitoring committee comprised of three members each from the KDP, PUK and Turcoman Front.

55.   Early Saturday, a report in London by the BBC teletext service said the warring factions had agreed on an immediate ceasefire after talks with Ghanaian mediators.

56.   For its part, the opposition insisted at the meeting that parliamentary factions should agree on the calling of early legislative elections.

57.   The rival factions agreed however to continue their talks at a future meeting, the date and venue for which were to be set later.

58.   The UN chief said he believed a solution to the Afghan conflict could only be reached if all warring factions agreed to it.

59.   The three factions agreed Friday to release all prisoners from the Bosnian war, the first time they all had made such a commitment.

60.   The two Kurdish factions also agreed to release all prisoners and the remains of those killed during the fighting.

n. + agree >>共 541
side 9.59%
government 5.02%
leader 4.12%
official 3.69%
expert 3.40%
company 3.29%
party 2.94%
analyst 2.62%
country 2.60%
minister 1.82%
faction 0.37%
faction + v. >>共 418
be 10.74%
agree 4.56%
have 3.72%
say 3.06%
clash 2.40%
fight 2.40%
hold 1.74%
battle 1.62%
claim 1.50%
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