51.   European allies also have expressed opposition to expanding the U.S.-orchestrated operation beyond Afghanistan to target Iraq.

52.   Furthermore, Cellucci recently expressed opposition to the Washington-led effort to raise federal cigarette taxes.

53.   He expressed opposition to gun control, noting that he owned a firearms collection.

54.   He had responded that the local was not ready for elections because the Sciarra forces were intimidating members at union meetings and discouraging members from expressing opposition.

55.   If such a meeting is held, it could serve as a forum for Arab countries to express opposition to the prospect of new American attacks on Iraq.

56.   In fact, a number of conservative anti-tax groups who normally support Pataki have expressed strong opposition to the measure.

57.   In expressing his opposition to impeachment, Edwards said no citizen should be treated below the law.

58.   Japanese officials in recent weeks have expressed opposition to further gains by the dollar.

59.   Leahy and his colleagues have received important help from Gen. Colin Powell, who expressed his opposition to the amendment in an eloquent letter circulating to lawmakers.

60.   Labor unions and the American Association for Retired Persons have already expressed opposition.

v. + opposition >>共 741
face 13.00%
express 5.36%
voice 3.95%
drop 2.97%
lead 2.89%
draw 2.50%
reiterate 2.15%
meet 2.14%
accuse 1.84%
encounter 1.59%
express + n. >>共 264
concern 19.92%
interest 7.28%
hope 4.78%
support 4.54%
confidence 4.41%
regret 2.88%
doubt 2.88%
fear 2.60%
reservation 2.51%
optimism 2.09%
opposition 1.22%
每页显示:    共 319