51.   At the same time, however, increasing concern was being expressed both in and out of government at the social costs of reform.

52.   Concern was expressed that Western donors might link aid to political reform.

53.   On economic issues, they expressed concern over continuing high unemployment, high inflation in some countries, and trade imbalances.

54.   During the meeting, ministers expressed concern about the reduced amount of Soviet military equipment scheduled for destruction under the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty.

55.   Concern was also expressed that the sight of armoured vehicles on the streets would heighten public fears of the onset of dictatorship.

56.   Leaders of the seven registered political parties expressed concern that the Assembly would merely be an advisory body to the Military Council in the preparation of a new constitution.

57.   The report expressed serious concerns over the lack of medicines, food, fuel, transport, clean water supplies and operating sewage systems.

58.   On agriculture the New Zealand side expressed concerns over protectionist barriers affecting its major exports, and over the current impasse in the GATT talks.

59.   The resolution condemned continued violations of the arms embargo and expressed particular concern at growing military collaboration between Israel and South Africa.

60.   The report expressed particular concern about what it called an accelerating pattern of short-term detention, torture and ill-treatment of alleged political opponents.

v. + concern >>共 357
express 28.84%
raise 12.57%
voice 5.84%
have 4.55%
cite 3.40%
address 3.24%
ease 3.21%
cause 2.32%
allay 1.46%
dismiss 1.36%
express + n. >>共 264
concern 19.92%
interest 7.28%
hope 4.78%
support 4.54%
confidence 4.41%
regret 2.88%
doubt 2.88%
fear 2.60%
reservation 2.51%
optimism 2.09%
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