51.   The explosion blew out the windows of the coffee house and neighboring buildings.

52.   The explosion blew out the windshields of a car parked inside the shop.

53.   The explosion blew out windows and caused a wooden rafter to fall off a building, smashing a parked car.

54.   The ITAR-Tass news agency said the latest silo explosion also blew out windows and shattered crockery and lights for miles around.

55.   The powerful explosion blew out the sides of the pink-and-white bus.

56.   The powerful explosion blew out the sides of the pink-and-white bus, and sent passengers flying into the air.

57.   They die from the severity of their wounds, blood loss or gangrene that occurs because mine explosions blow debris deep into tissue.

58.   United News of India news agency said the explosion blew the top off the bus and shattered window panes of nearby shops and homes.

59.   Two other people inside the concrete building escaped unharmed after the explosion on Wednesday blew an office door shut, protecting them from flying debris, authorities said.

60.   Underground gas explosions blew off at least three manhole covers and forced officials to close city streets for several hours.

n. + blow >>共 752
wind 17.39%
bomber 5.18%
whistle 3.34%
bomb 2.94%
blast 2.65%
explosion 2.18%
storm 2.12%
car 1.89%
breeze 1.66%
rebel 1.66%
explosion + v. >>共 330
be 15.43%
occur 14.18%
rock 8.42%
go 3.67%
rip 3.56%
kill 3.50%
damage 3.34%
come 3.32%
cause 3.14%
take 3.08%
blow 1.65%
每页显示:    共 75