51.   In seeking this equilibrium, credit quality always take precedence over exploiting business opportunities and maximising profit.

52.   It is hard for many to exploit opportunities without putting down large amounts of cash thus exposing themselves to risk by trading on margin.

53.   It should be using its initiative to find creative new ways to assist its members to exploit new opportunities, even during this crisis.

54.   Speaking at the National Press Club, Arlacchi said Wednesday that drug cartels were increasingly cooperating to exploit market opportunities.

55.   The very poor face few insurmountable obstacles to exploiting an opportunity to become very rich.

56.   With the education and commercial savvy their stay-behind cousins lack, returnees can leverage their skills to exploit commercial opportunities.

57.   He called on ASEAN businessmen to develop a capital goods industry that would exploit opportunities within and outside the regional grouping.

58.   INT is owned by the Goodwill Communications group, founded last year to exploit opportunities in developing media in the former Soviet Union.

59.   A joint statement said the new company would be equally owned and would exploit opportunities in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

60.   But exploiting the opportunities is what worries some international organizations that are helping Cambodia rebuild.

v. + opportunity >>共 515
have 23.37%
provide 6.79%
see 5.35%
create 5.03%
miss 4.64%
seize 4.48%
offer 4.39%
give 2.97%
use 2.54%
get 2.08%
exploit 0.70%
exploit + n. >>共 691
opportunity 3.41%
worker 2.81%
weakness 2.81%
loophole 2.76%
situation 2.54%
child 2.44%
resource 1.52%
difference 1.46%
division 1.46%
technology 1.35%
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