51.   Geramb was an experienced pilot, who took part in international events this season, including the Monte Carlo Rally, APA said.

52.   Geramb was an experienced pilot who took part in international events this season, including the Monte Carlo Rally, APA said.

53.   He said the weather was good and Fiorese was an experienced pilot.

54.   He was an experienced pilot known for his caution.

55.   McCorkle said the Marine piloting the Osprey Monday night was the most experienced Osprey pilot and was due to become commander of the first Osprey squadron.

56.   Neighbors and relatives described him as an experienced pilot who also liked to tend to the landscaping of his home.

57.   Prell had flown competitively against Fraenckel for years and called him an experienced pilot.

58.   Savulescu was an experienced pilot, Cmdr. Constantin Dobre, an air force spokesman told private Prima TV.

59.   Shakeeb, an experienced pilot, circled Bahrain International Airport once, then aborted his landing attempt without explanation, according to Gulf Air officials.

60.   Sweaney was the most experienced Osprey pilot in the service and was in line to become commander of the first Osprey squadron next year.

a. + pilot >>共 548
american 7.74%
the 6.00%
chinese 3.76%
former 2.79%
navy 2.36%
experienced 2.33%
french 2.33%
military 2.27%
missing 1.99%
commercial 1.81%
experienced + n. >>共 823
player 4.18%
pilot 2.89%
hand 1.56%
team 1.48%
worker 1.37%
teacher 1.37%
people 1.29%
manager 1.18%
lawyer 1.10%
driver 1.06%
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